Senior student proudly showing her latest canvas painting

GCSE Curriculum

A Personalised and Progressive National Curriculum

Our focus is to provide an enhanced and personalised learning experience for our GCSE students, supporting their studies so they can achieve their future ambitions. We offer a wide range of subjects to study at GCSE level including English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, Spanish, Geography, History, Business Studies, Computer Science, Art, Music, and PE. Our young people greatly benefit from our Study Skills Programme, Booster Classes, One-to-One Interview, and Practice Career Coaching.


A phrase you’ll hear our students use quite frequently is…”What have you done today to make you feel proud?” This is a simple question that captures the very spirit of our positive educational environment and the lyrics of our school song ‘Proud’.

As educators, we have proud moments every day but we’re particularly proud of our students’ academic performance. Since 2019, 100% of our Year 11 pupils achieved Grade 4 and above with many of them achieving excellent Value Added results. We believe that our personalised approach to learning, our Study Skills Programme, and access to resources and enrichment activities, provide the right environment for our young people to flourish.

The Webber Team will do all they can to assist students transitioning from Year 9 to Year 10, supporting the important decision process around subject selection. We use Cambridge Online Assessments and one-to-one interviews to help focus our young people’s choices around their strengths and talents.

We offer a diverse range of GCSE subjects and have a track record of strong performance in the highly academic subjects of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Geography, History, Business, Spanish, German, French, Latin, Art, Music and Physical Education.

Our GCSE offering requires the selection of nine subjects, which must include Maths, English Language, and English Literature. We provide flexibility and cater to different levels of ability and talent; for example, some students may decide to take early entry GCSE first language or Mathematics (in Year 10) – providing the opportunity to study Further Mathematics in Year 11), in preparation for study at A-levels and beyond.


Examination Board: AQA
Specification Code: 8300
Available Levels: Foundation and Higher
Teachers: Mr. M Paris & Mr. A Preston
Email Address:,

Course Description

The course builds on the Mathematics at Key Stage 3 and emphasizes the skills of applying mathematics in context, problem-solving, reasoning, and the functional elements of mathematics. Students will develop and refine their problem-solving strategies and build the confidence and skills required to tackle unfamiliar challenges. It also prepares students to function mathematically in the world and provides a thorough grounding for further study in Mathematics.

Course Structure

The course is assessed using 3 written examinations taken in the summer of Year 11.
Paper 1 – non-calculator, 33⅓% of final grade.
Both Foundation and Higher Tier papers – 1 Hour 30 minutes

Paper 2 – calculator, 33⅓% of final grade.
Both Foundation and Higher Tier papers – 1 Hour 30 minutes

Paper 3 – calculator, 33⅓% of final grade.
both Foundation and Higher Tier papers – 1 Hour 30 minutes

Foundation Tier grades 1 – 5
Higher Tier grades 4 – 9


Numerous careers will require Mathematics in one form or another. Many Sixth Forms, College courses and all University courses require Mathematics GCSE at grade 5 or above.
It is a government requirement to have a grade 4 pass in both English and Mathematics before leaving formal education.

English Language & English Literature

Examination Board: AQA
Specification Code: English Language 8700
English Literature 8702
Available Levels: Single uniform tier
Head of Department: Mrs A. Morris
Email Address:

Course Description

This is a two-year course, leading to dual certification in English Language and English Literature.
English Language equally develops the skills of speaking and listening, reading and writing,
developing skills of analysis and expression. English Literature further investigates genres of
poetry, prose, and drama, across traditions and cultures from Shakespeare to the present day. The
syllabus is wholly examined, i.e. 100% examination and no controlled assessments.

Course Structure

Assessment is linear; i.e. at the end of the two-year programme. Our students will be thoroughly
prepared for the final assessments through examination in both subjects at the end of Year 11.

Course Content

English Language prepares for two equally rewarded examination papers (1 hr 45 mins each) in which reading and writing skills are equally assessed:

Paper 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing.
Four questions on one chosen literary text; one extended creative writing piece (description or

Paper 2: Writers` viewpoints and perspectives.
Four questions on two (linked) extracts: one non-literary, one literary non-fiction; one piece of extended writing to present a viewpoint (argue, persuade, or advise).

English Literature prepares for two examination papers.

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the C19th novel (1 hr 45 mins paper; 40% of assessment)
Section A: one question on a selected Shakespeare play (Macbeth), covering extract analysis and
relation to wider play.
Section B: as above question for a selected nineteenth-century novel (A Christmas Carol).

Paper 2: Modern texts and poetry (2 hr 15 mins paper; 60% of assessment)
Section A: Modern texts: one question on a selected modern drama text (An Inspector Calls).
Section B: one comparative question on two prepared poems from a selected poetry cluster (Power & Conflict).
Section C: two questions: one analysis of an unseen poem; and one comparative, comparing the first unseen poem to an additional unseen poem.


Both English Language and English Literature, in terms of final awarded grades, will be assessed by 100% examination. Speaking and Listening are assessed separately and a graded endorsement will be awarded, outside of the full qualification, (i.e. reported and recorded on the certificate but not calculated into the final grade). The grading system of 9-1 will carry the expectation that Grades 5 and above equate to a ‘strong pass’; and Grade 4 with a ‘standard pass’.

Further Study and Career Opportunities
GCSE English Language (at least Grade 5 level) is an indispensable qualification for post-16 education from Advanced Level upwards and, additionally, for a vast proportion of worthwhile employment. English Literature is valuable to anyone wishing to take essay-based subjects at A Level or beyond. It is a government requirement to have a Grade 4 pass in both English Language and Mathematics before leaving formal education.


Examination Board: AQA
Specification Code: 8461
Available Levels: Foundation and Higher
Teachers: Mr M. Marsden
Email Address:

Course Description

Biology is the study of life and is a fascinating subject. The world has changed much within the last few decades, partly as a result of human activities, and it is now more important than ever before that students develop an appreciation of the unique position and consequent responsibilities that mankind has on this planet. Other aims of the course are to develop an interest and enjoyment in the study of living organisms and to promote respect for all forms of life. Students should opt to study this single award GCSE if they intend to progress to study Biology at GCE A level, go into careers that require a knowledge of Biology, or want to specialise and develop their understanding of living things.
⮚ Cell Biology
⮚ Organization
⮚ Infection and Response
⮚ Bioenergetics
⮚ Homeostasis and Response
⮚ Inheritance, Variation & Evolution
⮚ Ecology


This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their external examinations at the end of the course.
Paper One
Written Examination
Foundation and Higher Tier
1hr 45minutes
50% of GCSE
Topics 1-4
Cell Biology, Organization, Infection & Response and Bioenergetics
Paper Two
Written Examination
Foundation and Higher Tier
1hr 45 minutes
50% of GCSE
Topics 5-7
Homeostasis and response, Inheritance, Variation & Evolution, and Ecology


A wide range of employers recruit graduates for biology-related jobs including:
⮚ universities and clinical research organizations
⮚ pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
⮚ private hospitals and NHS trusts
⮚ national and global health and environmental charities
⮚ scientific and technical consultancies
⮚ outreach organizations such as museums, science centers, and broadcast companies


Examination Board: AQA
Specification Code: 8462
Available Levels: Foundation and Higher
Teachers: Mr C. Cullen
Email Address:

Course Description

Chemistry is the study of the properties of the various substances which make up our universe. It is an
ever-expanding subject: new facts lead to new theories which in turn lead to new facts.
Students should opt to study this single award GCSE if they intend to progress to study chemistry at GCE
A level, go into careers that require a knowledge of chemistry or who want to specialise and develop
their understanding of chemistry. It is a mandatory subject for students considering careers in medicine
or veterinary science and is also necessary for the study of biology at higher levels. Chemistry also goes very
well with geography and supports the physical and geological aspects of that subject as well as going well
with food technology.

Course Structure

Students following this course would cover two units: Chemistry 1, and Chemistry 2.
⮚ Both units will be assessed by a written terminal examination. Each paper will have multiple
choice questions. (Each paper 50% of the marks)

Unit 1 Chemistry
1. Atomic structure and the periodic table
2. Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
3. Quantitative chemistry
4. Chemical changes
5. Energy changes

Unit Chemistry 2
6. The rate and extent of chemical change
7. Organic chemistry
8. Chemical analysis
9. Chemistry of the atmosphere
10. Using resources


The study of this science can lead to many exciting careers. Chemists apply their knowledge to fields such as
diverse as man-made fibers, fertilizers, and pharmaceuticals. Chemistry is a requirement for careers such
⮚ Archaeology
⮚ Medicine
⮚ Biology
⮚ Nursing
⮚ Dentistry
⮚ Pharmacy
⮚ Dietetics
⮚ Veterinary


Examination Board AQA
Specification Code 8463
Available Levels Foundation and Higher
Teacher Mrs. U Garwood
Email Address

Physics is a subject which, apart from being vital for careers such as those in engineering or science, can show prospective employers that a student can think in a clear and logical manner. Students should opt to study this single award GCSE if they intend to progress to study Physics at GCE A level, go into careers that require a knowledge of Physics, or who want to specialise and develop their understanding of Physics.

Course Description

⮚ Forces
⮚ Energy
⮚ Waves
⮚ Electricity
⮚ Magnetism and Electromagnetism
⮚ Particle Model of Matter
⮚ Atomic structure
⮚ Space Physics


This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their external examinations at the end of the course.
How it’s assessed
Paper 1
Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
Foundation and Higher Tier
Topics: Energy, Electricity, Particle Model of Matter,
Atomic Structure
100 Marks
50% of GCSE
Paper 2
Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
Foundation and Higher Tier
Topics Forces, Waves, Magnetism and
Electromagnetism, Space Physics
100 marks
50% of GCSE


Physics is a seriously useful subject for the majority of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths)
careers and you will find physicists everywhere, in industry, transport, government, universities, the armed
forces, the secret service, games companies, research labs, and more. Physics is especially helpful for jobs that involve building things and developing new technologies, including engineering, astronomy, robotics, renewable energies, computer science, communications, space exploration, science writing, sports and games technology, research, and nanotechnology (that’s engineering on a seriously tiny molecular scale).
A spokesperson for the Institute of Physics says: “Physicists are involved in finding solutions to many of our most
pressing challenges – as well as studying atoms or making sense of the extra-terrestrial, physicists diagnose
disease, model the climate, design computer games, predict markets and design hi-tech goods. Studying physics
opens doors.”

Computer Science

Examination Board: OCR
Specification Code: J277
Available Levels: One Level
Teachers: Miss Ellis
Email Address:

Course Description

Computer Science involves the challenge and fun of programming your own computer code to make solutions to problems. You will learn to become confident in Visual Basic, Python, and SQL programming in lessons and for home learning, making a variety of your own computer code projects that work on Windows computers and on the Internet. The course focuses on how computers work at the processor level and in-depth theory for the Unit 1 exam. We also provide free software and video tutorials that enable you to develop your programming skills outside lesson time, often basing the projects on developing computer games and simulations, including code-breaking projects. Taking Computer Science at GCSE is highly recommended to be able to take Computer Science beyond The Webber at a 6th Form or University. This course is suited to Students who are good at programming in Year 9 and who are good at Maths.


Paper One – J277/01 Computer systems
Written Examination
1hr 30 minutes – 50% of GCSE
– Systems Architecture
– Memory and Storage
– Wired and wireless networks
– Network topologies, protocols, and layers
– Network security
– System software
– Ethical, legal, and cultural concerns
Practical Programming Project
– Programming techniques
– Analysis
-Testing and evaluation

Paper Two – J277/02 Computational
thinking, algorithms, and programming
Written Examination
1hr 30 minutes – 50% of GCSE
– Algorithms
– Programming fundamentals
– Producing robust programs
– Boolean logic
– Programming languages and IDEs
Although the coursework unit comprising a minimum of 20 hours of coding projects is compulsory, the marks do not count towards the overall qualification.


Software, IT and database skills are now a major part of many different jobs and careers in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths sectors. Computer Science is a creative, exciting, and developing STEM subject and can provide you with huge opportunities across a vast number of industries. It is the course of choice for employable skills for the future. The list below shows just a few of the jobs and careers it may lead
you into:
– Computer programmer
– Games developer
– Animation developer
– Hardware engineer
– Machine learning engineer
– Virtual Reality Designer
– Systems Analyst
– Software Tester
– Robotics engineer
– CAD designer
– 3D printing materials manager
– Games developer
– Legoland designer
– Clothes designer
– Tumblr product manager
– Software Developer
– Software architect
– Geographical information systems officer
– Secondary school teacher
– Technical author
– Music data analyst
– Cyber Security Expert
– MI5 MI6 and GCHQ
– Digital Marketing Analyst


Examination Board: Edexcel
Specification Code: B
Head of Department: Mrs E. Charlton
Email Address:


The world in which we live is likely to change more in the next 50 years than it has ever done before. Geography explains why and helps to prepare you for those changes. Geography tackles the big issues:
· environmental responsibility
· global interdependence
· cultural understanding and tolerance
· commerce, trade, and industry

The transferable skills that Geography fosters are an asset in the complex world of employment today. Geography is about the future and encourages flexible thinking.

Geography is classed by the Russell Group of top UK universities as a facilitating subject, these are the subjects most commonly required or preferred by universities to get on to a range of degree courses. They can help students keep their options open when choosing a degree and many of the top universities will ask you to have at least one A level in a facilitating subject when you apply. Geography graduates are among the most employable. They possess the skills that employers look for. In part, this is because the subject combines a knowledge of science and an understanding of the arts.

Successful Geography students are equipped with an excellent range of transferable skills – team workers, self-starters, highly IT literate, good data interpretation and research skills. Geography can help you access career opportunities in a wide range of sectors including Business, Civil Service, Education, Environmental Engagement, ICT, Logistics, Planning, and Travel and Tourism.

GCSE Geography Course Overview

The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to build on their Key Stage 3 knowledge and skills to:
● Develop and extend their knowledge of locations, places, environments, and processes, and of different scales, including global; and social, political, and cultural contexts (know Geographical material)
● Gain an understanding of the interactions between people and environments, changes in places and processes over space and time, and the interrelationship between Geographical phenomena at different scales and in different contexts (think like a Geographer)
● Develop and extend competence in a range of skills, including those used in fieldwork, in using maps and Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and in researching secondary evidence, including digital sources; and develop their competence in applying sound inquiry and investigative approaches to questions and hypotheses (study like a Geographer)
● Apply Geographical knowledge, understanding, skills, and approaches appropriately and creatively to real-world contexts, including fieldwork, and to contemporary situations and issues; and develop well-evidenced arguments, drawing on their Geographical knowledge and understanding (applying Geography).

Case Studies and located examples (Cost Involved)

Two days of fieldwork are completed, one day in Physical Geography and one day in Human Geography.
Students write about their fieldwork in their examinations at the end of the 2-year course.


Examination Board: AQA
Specification Code: History 8145
Available Levels: One Level
Head of Department: Mr T Troy
Email Address:

Course Description

The course is assessed by two examined papers and no coursework.
Paper 1: Understanding the Modern World, helps students to understand key developments and events in modern world history. The paper is divided into two sections:
Section A: Period Studies (one topic studied)
Each period study has a focus on one country over a period of around 50 years.
Section B: Wider World Depth Studies (one topic studied)
Each depth study investigates international conflict. Students will be able to deepen their understanding of the modern world.
Paper 2: Shaping the nation enables students to understand key developments and events in the history of Britain. The paper is divided into two sections:
Section A: Thematic studies (one topic studied)
Each thematic study gives students a coherent understanding of change and continuity across a long sweep of history. Although each option has a distinct focus, they all illuminate social, political, and economic change and the part played by various factors in shaping the history of Britain.
Section B: British Depth Studies (one topic studied)
The depth studies are either from the Medieval or Early Modern era (between 1000 to 300 years ago). They focus on a particular time and people from that time who shaped the nation. Students will build a coherent understanding of the complexity of society and the interplay of different aspects within it. The Historical environment is embedded within the depth studies. Students will be able to make connections and evaluate how specified sites have been shaped by the Historical events and developments of the time.

Course Structure

Unit 1: Understanding the Modern World, written paper, – 50%
Unit 1, Section A Period Study, we will choose ONE from three options: America 1840-95 which includes events such as the American Civil War, the struggle to end slavery, and the deliberate destruction of the Native Americans’ way of life. Germany 1890-1945, which looks at how Germany was at the heart of two World Wars and how a civilized German nation embraced Hitler and the Nazis. Russia 1894-1945, which looks at how the world’s largest nation became a brutal Communist regime capable, under the ruthless Joseph Stalin, of defeating the Nazis.

Unit 1, Section B Wider World Study we will choose from either: Conflict and tension in Asia, looking at the brutal and long Wars in Korea (1950-1953) and Vietnam (1954-1975). Conflict and tension 1990-2009
looking at conflict in the Middle East, specifically the causes, events, and consequences of the first Iraq War (1990), the Wars in Afghanistan/against Al Qaeda, the causes of the second Iraq War (2003), and its consequences to 2009.

Paper 2: Shaping the Nation, written paper – 50%
Unit 2, Section B Thematic study we will choose from either: Britain: Migration, empires
and the people: c790 to the present day or Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present
day. Britain, Migration, Empires, and People looks at the impact of successive waves of immigration and change, from the Vikings to modern Britain. The impact of trade, conflict, religion, ideas, and individuals are examined, looking at how modern Britain and the British identity are based on 1,200 years of change. Britain: Power and the People looks at how from 1170 to the present day fundamental freedoms such as democracy, human rights, and equality have emerged through struggle and revolution. As with the previous option, the role of a wide range of
social and economic influences is examined along with political and revolutionary struggles.

Unit 2, Section B Depth Study We will choose from Norman England, c1066-1100, Medieval England – the reign of Edward I, 1272-1307 or Elizabethan England, c1568-1603. Norman England looks at the ruthless and complete Norman takeover of England under William the Conqueror and his son. Medieval England – the reign of Edward I looks at the life under Edward I, which saw for example the ruthless conquest of Wales, castle building on an epic scale, an endless war to conquer Scotland, and the murderous expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290. Elizabethan England, c1568-1603 looks at how under the determined genius of Elizabeth 1st England changed into a more modern state and society that flourished in the face of foreign attack and religious disagreements at home. Part of the topic chosen will include an examination of a historic site such as a castle, palace, town, battlefield, or group of buildings, with the student will be required to explain how the site relates to the period studied. The Unit 2 Section B Depth Study will include questions on both the topic studied and the historic site studied.


The successful study of History proves a candidate’s ability to collate and sift information to produce convincing written and spoken arguments, key skills for anyone looking to work in a leadership or management role. Students who are going to study sciences for A level and at University often also study History at GCSE or A level to prove that they can produce effective written arguments over and above the boundaries of the Sciences they are studying. Many History graduates go on to train as Lawyers. There are also Tourism, Heritage, and Teaching based career
paths for those seeking to continue working within the discipline.


Examination Board: AQA
Specification Code: 8132
Head of Department: Mrs E Charlton
Email Address:

Course Description

Students will consider the practical application of Business concepts. The units provide opportunities to explore theories and concepts in the most relevant way, through the context of events in the Business and Economic World. The knowledge and skills gained from this specification will provide students with a firm foundation for further study.

Course Structure

Students apply their knowledge and understanding to different Business contexts ranging from small enterprises to large multinationals and Businesses operating in local, National, and Global contexts. Students develop an understanding of how these contexts impact Business behavior.

Subject content

1. Business in the real world
2. Influences on Business
3. Business Operations
4. Human Resources
5. Marketing
6. Finance


Paper 1: Influences of Operations and HRM on Business Activity
Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
90 marks
50% of GCSE
Paper 2: Influences of Marketing and Finance on Business Activity
Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
90 marks
50% of GCSE


As well as providing students with a firm foundation for studying Business Studies at A-Level, Business Studies GCSE also allows students to progress on to studying A-Level Economics or Accounting. Business Studies GCSE prepares students for careers in several different fields, including Economics, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Management, and many more, as well as giving students the knowledge they need to set themselves up in their own business, should they choose to follow this path.

Modern Foreign Languages (French/Spanish)

Examination Board: Edexcel International (IGCSE)
Specification Code: 4FR1 / 4SP1
Entry Levels: Prior study at Key Stage 3 (this may not be
an essential requirement for native speakers).
MFL Staff & e-mail Addresses: Mrs. Barratt
Mrs. Villalba

Course Structure

The Edexcel International GCSE in French or Spanish qualifications assess skills across five topic
● Home and Abroad
● Education and Employment
● Personal life and relationships
● The world around us
● Social activities, Fitness, and Health

The topics are assessed through three examination papers, all externally marked by Edexcel.

Paper 1: Listening (25% of the total International GCSE)
Assessment through a 30-minute examination paper, plus five minutes of reading time. This paper will consist of seven tasks, based on a recording.
Paper 2: Reading and Writing (50% of the total International GCSE)
Assessment through a 1-hour and 45-minute examination paper. The reading section will consist of five tasks, each based on a collection of short texts and a longer single text. The writing section will consist of two writing tasks and a grammar-based task.
Paper 3: Speaking (25% of the total International GCSE)
Total assessment time is 8-10 minutes, in a speaking test conducted by the class teacher. Students are required to convey their understanding through three speaking tasks. They will answer questions from a photograph, describe possible past or future events related to people in the photograph, respond to questions about the photograph and its related topic, and then take part in a spontaneous conversation on two other topics. In each conversation, students must develop their responses, show initiative, express and justify points of view, and refer to past, present, and future events.

Course Description

If you enjoy communicating with other people, finding out how language works, and learning about different countries and cultures, studying IGCSE French or Spanish is an excellent choice for you. You will be able to develop your ability to share your interests, ideas, and opinions with other people who speak that foreign language.

You will add an international dimension to your choice of GCSE subjects, which is something many future employers and higher education providers look for. You will learn many skills that are useful in a wide range of careers, such as the ability to communicate clearly, being confident when speaking in public, and using problem-solving strategies.

Having studied the chosen Foreign Language at Key Stage 3, you should be prepared to carry on with IGCSE. You already should know a lot of the vocabulary and grammar you will need for IGCSE. You know how to talk about yourself, your family and friends, your hobbies and interests, where you live, school, holidays, and daily routine. You will build on these topics during your IGCSE course, as well as on many new subjects, such as the environment, the use of technology, and future careers.


With a Modern Foreign Language qualification, you will create greater opportunities for yourself to study or work abroad, or for you to work with companies in the UK with international links. Many employers look for people who speak a foreign language to cover a variety of roles in different industries.

People with language skills and knowledge are highly thought of in the modern world. They stand out as talented and successful people, with broad and exciting horizons.

Art & Design

Examination Board: Edexcel
Specification Code: 1AD0
Head of Department: Mrs. S. Anacootee
Email Address:

Course Description

GCSE Art, Craft, and Design is about having an adventurous and enquiring approach to Art and Design and
enjoying the process of developing the skills to communicate your ideas. There is an emphasis on building the exploration of your ideas in work journals and developing a very personal response to set briefs. All students will have to submit evidence using drawings to support the development process and use written annotation and appropriate specialist terminology to record their ideas, observations, insights, and independent judgments.

Course Structure

Component 1: Personal Portfolio 60% 3 units of work
centre-assessed and moderated by Edexcel

Component 2: Externally Set Assignment 40% 10 hours set by Edexcel
centre assessed and moderated by Edexcel
Component 1: Personal Portfolio
Over the two-year course, students will complete several projects. These projects will become part of their personal portfolio. Students will present their project investigations in work journals. These journals along with other two and three-dimensional work should include research, supporting studies, and work showing the development of ideas. Each project will culminate into a final personal response. Students will be given close guidance on the choice of materials to build upon existing skills and develop techniques they find more challenging.

Externally Set Assignment

The Externally Set Assignment will contain one theme and suggestions for possible starting points. During
the 20-hour preparation time, students should explore the theme by addressing all assessment objectives. Students have a 10-hour sustained focus period in which to produce a personal response. The preparatory studies, along with the final piece, will then be submitted for assessment.
Through the Assessment Objectives, the course will give students the opportunity to:
⮚ Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating a critical understanding of sources.
⮚ Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting when appropriate media, materials, techniques, and processes.
⮚ Record ideas, observations, and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
⮚ Present a personal and meaningful response that realizes intentions and demonstrates an understanding of a visual language.

At the end of the GCSE course, both coursework and examination work journals and personal responses
are displayed in a final exhibition.


The skills developed during this course will build confidence in Visual Communication. Students may wish to study GCSE in Art, Craft, and Design for its own sake, perhaps to form the basis of a future interest. Students might wish to pursue a career where it is useful to have had experience in Art, Craft, and Design, or where they will need to use some of the skills developed during this course. These might include careers in such fields as Advertising, Interior Design, Marketing, Design, Architecture, Publishing, and Media.
Whichever you choose, the study of Art can help develop transferable skills, which can be taken into any career or job.


Examination Board: Edexcel
Specification Code: 1MU0
Head of Department: Mr. R. Baker
Email Address:

Course Description

GCSE Music offers students the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding, and skills in performing, composing listening, and appraising, and is well worth considering for anyone who plays an instrument or sings.

Students will learn how to:

⮚ Improve their performing skills.
⮚ Through composing gain an insight into how music is constructed from initial ideas through to the finished product.
⮚ How to analyze music in a variety of styles and discover the social and historical context in which it was composed.

Entry Requirements

Students taking Music need to be able to play an instrument or to sing to at least Grade II standard, and should also be receiving instrumental tuition regularly too.

Course Structure

Unit 1 – Performing – This unit encourages students to improve their skills by playing and performing a variety of pieces of music. They need to be able to play or sing one solo piece and one ensemble piece (playing in a group with other people). These are recorded and internally assessed before being moderated by the examination board. (30% of total mark)
Unit 2 – Composing – In this unit, students learn how music can be constructed. During the course, they will compose at least two pieces of music, one of which is a free choice and the other is a set brief. These are internally assessed under controlled conditions and then externally moderated. (30%)
Unit 3 – Listening and Appraising – This unit encourages students to develop their listening and appraising skills through the study of music across a variety of styles and genres. It is assessed in a 90-minute written listening exam containing questions based on the pieces and music studied. (40%) There are four areas of study with two set works in each.

The four Areas of Study are:
⮚ Instrumental music 1700 – 1820
⮚ Vocal Music
⮚ Music for Stage and Screen
⮚ Fusions


Units 1 (Performing) and 2 (composing) are both coursework modules. The work to be assessed can be completed at any stage in the two-year course. However, the final pieces are usually selected and completed in Terms 1 and 2 of Year 11.


The skills developed during this course feed into A-level in Music, Music Technology, or Performing Arts. Music demonstrates a large number of very important skills required in both the world of work and higher education. These include self-discipline, teamwork, perseverance, presentation, analytical skills, communication, organizational and planning skills, decision-making, enterprise, enthusiasm, and creativity. Careers available in Music include Performing, Sound Engineering, Theatre, Arts Administration, Advertising, Composing for Media, Radio and Broadcasting, Publishing, Sales, Recording Industry, and Music Therapy. As well as openings in Journalism, Music Retail, Orchestral Management, Teaching, and Composing.

Physical Education

Examination Board: AQA
Specification Code: 8582 Full Course
Available Levels: One level
PE Department: Mrs. K. Willis & Mr. R. Knapper
Email Address:

Course Description

GCSE Physical Education is designed to enable students to understand the benefits of living a healthy and active lifestyle and to provide routes to study P.E. in further education. The areas covered theoretically are as follows; Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Movement Analysis, Physical Training, Sports Psychology, Socio-Cultural influences, and Health, Fitness and Wellbeing. Practically, students will be assessed in three activities.

Course Structure

Non-Exam assessment (NEA) 40% Internal assessment and externally moderated Examination 60% AQA Centre assessed NEA Broken down into two sections:
1. Performance assessment (practical performance in 3 sports, minimum of one team and one individual sport) = 30%
2. Performance analysis assessment (analysis and evaluation) = 10%
Students choose three sports that they will be assessed in practically; either as a player or performer (minimum of 1 team sport and 1 individual). Students will also complete a written report of an analysis and evaluation of their performance or the performance of another person. Students must be competing regularly in at least one sport, outside of school.


The written examination consists of two papers of 1 hour 15 minutes equaling 78 marks (30%), including a combination of multiple choice, short answer, and extended writing questions.

The specification at a glance
Component 1
The Human Body and Movement in Physical Activity and Sport 30%
● 1hr 15 min paper
● 78 marks
● Combination of multiple choice, short answer, and extended writing questions
● Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Movement Analysis, Physical Training and use of Data

Component 2
Socio-economic influences and Well-Being in Physical Activity and Sport 30%
● 1hr 15 min paper
● 78 marks
● Combination of multiple choice, short answer, and extended writing questions
● Sports Psychology, Socio-Cultural Influences, Health, Fitness and Well-Being, and use of Data
Component 3
Practical performance in Physical Activity and Sport NEA 40%
● 100 marks
● Internal assessment, external moderation
Activity List
Team activities, Association, Football, Badminton (Doubles), Basketball, Cricket, Dance, Gaelic, Football, Handball, Hockey, Hurling, Lacrosse, Netball, Rowing, Rugby, League Rugby Union, Squash, Tennis, Table Tennis, and/or Volleyball.
Individual activities
Amateur Boxing, Athletics, Badminton, Canoeing, Cycling, Dance, Diving, Golf, Gymnastics, Equestrian,
Kayaking, Rock Climbing, Rowing, Trampolining, Skiing, Snowboarding, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, and Tennis.


GCSE P.E. can lead to many different careers and pathways including Teaching, Coaching, Physiotherapy, Sports Journalism, Sports Management, Dietician/Nutritionist, Sports Psychologist, and more.

Booster Classes

Our priority is making sure that all of our GCSE students have the right support and attention. That’s why we offer GCSE Booster Classes, at no additional cost, during lunchtime and after school.

Business & Enterprise

Preparing our students with the skills and mindset for the modern workplace is one of our top priorities. We have developed a robust Business & Enterprise programme that includes access to TED Talks, Career Fairs, Business Conferences, and workplace visits, in addition to a one-week Work Experience Placement.

We further support our young people through the development of their Curriculum Vitae and Letters of Application, as well as honing their interview skills. We have several clubs and societies that help build leadership and business skills, including the Entrepreneur’s Club, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, and The Army Cadet Force.

Study Skills

Our Study Skills Programme is designed to give students the confidence required to do well in their GCSEs. Our programme focuses on providing our young people with the skills and tools to aid with exam revision, which includes the development of mindset and well-being habits. Additionally, we provide a personalised Gap Analysis with detailed feedback following the Mock Examinations, giving all of our students guidance on where to apply their focus.

Our team is here to make sure your son or daughter is well looked after and supported to achieve the best possible exam outcomes.

Stay & Play

Nursery child smiling at parent

Join us for a wonderful Autumnal Stay & Play session at The Webber Nursery

Book your visit for 25, October, 9.30-10.30 am