All school ages exploring water play together

Years 1 & 2

As your child progresses from Reception to Years 1 and 2 we introduce our Stage not Age Programme, where our young minds benefit from personalised learning according to their ability. This programme ensures that everyone has the appropriate level of challenge, and is able to achieve their best in our small and friendly classes.

In the Prep School we teach Key Stage 1 of the National Curriculum for England, enhanced by specialist subject degree qualified teaching, in Modern Foreign Languages, Physical Education, IT, Geography, Music and more. Our action-led learning combines Phonics and Maths Games with more academic Literacy and Numeracy practices. Additionally, a strong focus on building Cognitive Skills with hands-on ‘play’ is an important part of learning at The Webber Independent School.

Our outdoor classrooms, play areas and Eco Garden provide an ideal place for our enquiring minds to develop their Cognitive Function through exploring and experimenting with different learning skills, such as attention, memory and thinking – building crucial understanding in cause and effect, analysis and evaluation and making comparisons. We enhance our educational experience through numerous enrichment activities and external trips.

Our Prep School is a dynamic and inspiring environment with resources to aid your child’s progression with a dedicated Library and Computer Room, and access to Chromebooks and touchscreen technology to enhance and enrich their classroom learning experience.

For further information about Our Prep School, or to arrange a visit please feel free to contact our Admissions Team on 01908 574740 or Contact us.



Senior School Information Evening

Monday 24th February, 5pm

Discover the Webber Edge. Book your place here!

Senior science students in the lab