All school ages exploring water play together

Years 3 to 6

As your child progresses through our Prep School our small class sizes and personalised learning ensure that everyone has the necessary time and attention to flourish. We continue your child’s education with Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum, and our Stage not Age Programme – where we ensure your child is challenged and encouraged to achieve their best.

Throughout your child’s time in Prep School, we focus on nurturing their academic excellence and preparing them for a smooth transition into Senior School.

We achieve this through delivering a rich learning experience with subject specialist degree-qualified teaching, which includes, Physical Education, Music, Computer Science, French and Spanish, and more. Additionally, we enrich the curriculum with residential trips and educational workshops, taking lifelong learning out into the world in partnership with external specialists.

Years 3 to 6 are crucial growth years; we support our students through these important learning years with a balanced approach to academic learning, underpinned with emotional health and well-being support. Our Pastoral Care Team and teachers are trained to provide the right help and guidance, ensuring a successful and happy School Life. We also run over 50 extra-curricular activities including Mindfulness and Yoga.

Our seamless through-school experience delivers a calm and consistent approach to learning, creating a strong and successful Transition Stage from Prep to Senior School.

For further information about Prep School, or to arrange a visit, please feel free to contact our Admissions Team on 01908 574740, or via our Contact Us.



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Webber Students mixed ages