All school ages exploring water play together

Prep Curriculum


Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. A child’s first experiences at School have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe, and happy childhood is important in its own right and combined with high-quality early education, provides the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.

At The Webber Independent School, we follow The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum which sets standards for the learning, development, and care of children from birth to 5 years old. The EYFS Framework explains how and what children in EYFS will be learning to support their development.

The EYFS seeks to provide:

Quality and consistency in all early years settings, so that every child makes good progress and no child gets left behind.

A secure foundation through learning and development opportunities which are planned around the needs and interests of each individual child and are assessed and reviewed regularly.

Partnership working between teachers and parents.

Equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice, ensuring that every child is included and supported.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is based upon four principles:

A Unique Child: developing resilient, capable, confident, and self-assured individuals.

Learning and developing: an acknowledgement that children learn in different ways and at different rates.

Enabling environments: where opportunities and experiences respond to the individual needs of the child by developing a strong partnership between practitioners, parents/carers, and the child.

Positive relationships: supporting our children in becoming strong and independent.

We use this framework and complete an EYFS profile for each child at the end of the academic year in which they reach five. During this stage, children work towards ‘Early Learning Goals’. Most children will achieve or be well on their way to achieving the Early Learning Goals by the end of their time in Reception.

Play underpins the curriculum provision. Children have the opportunity to play indoors and outdoors on a daily basis. Children play spontaneously, although they will be given adult support when needed. It is through play that the children will develop intellectually, creatively, physically, socially, and emotionally.

Our aim is to ensure that children enjoy their Early Years experiences in the care of our degree-qualified, experienced, and caring staff. We lay the foundations for the children’s future successes through a stimulating and ‘hands-on’ curriculum that is divided into the following areas:

Prime Areas:

  • Physical Development
  • Communication & Language
  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Specific Areas:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts & Design

Planning and Assessment

We encourage a love for learning in the Foundation Stage, by teaching and planning activities around children’s interests and key stories and topics that stimulate curiosity, exploration, and understanding. Each child’s growth and development is carefully taken into account when planning so that individual needs are met. Progress is recorded in a profile that includes a range of anecdotal observations, photographs, and samples of work. We highly value the input from parents/caregivers as well.

Enriching the Curriculum

First-hand experiences are the best way to enrich learning and make it come alive. Our teachers plan such experiences carefully. It may be a visit to the museum, the park, the shopping centre, or a visit by a special guest, such as an author, or professional. Students actively participate in themed days, drop-down mornings, charity drives, and all other school events.

Recording Progress

We build strong parental relationships through relevant communication; you can see what your child has been up to through regular updates from their class and subject teachers. We provide up to six reports per year, personalised emails from the Head of Prep, and deliver parent consultations to keep you up to date on your child’s development. Additionally, we have a dedicated parent portal, My Learning, where all information and feedback is stored – it’s available as an app, keeping you up to date with School communication on the go.

The Learning Environment

The Foundation Stage learning environments are warm, bright, and stimulating, encouraging learning through play and the use of focused groups both in and outdoors.

Years 1 – 6

Our Prep School consists of Years 1 to 6. Children are eligible to join us in the academic year after they reach age 5. At the age of 11, the majority of our students continue their learning journeys in our Senior School. We assess students for entry at the time of admission, but we cater to a wide range of academic abilities and language needs.

Our Educational Philosophy:

At the heart of our educational philosophy is our firm belief, supported by world-class research, that there is no limit to what your child can learn and achieve. The enriched National Curriculum for England, on which we base our teaching, enables your child to reach those heights.

The high academic standards for which a British education is renowned will ensure that your child has the best start on their educational journey. Upon entry to the school, we assess all our Prep students to ensure we understand their learning needs and to establish a starting point in their learning journey. During the academic year, we establish further assessment points, to measure student progress against these high standards, using British-designed assessments.

Our Prep curriculum provides the perfect springboard for progression into the Senior School and beyond.

Our degree-qualified teachers understand that your child is an individual. In the classroom, therefore, we aim to provide a personalised education that meets your child’s individual needs.

Through our academic curriculum and within our broader curriculum, we ensure that your child develops to be curious, determined, creative, and confident in their abilities. By nurturing your child’s interests and talents, we provide opportunities for each and every student to fulfil their potential as 21st Century learners and global citizens.

Our Primary School lays solid foundations for future study and personal growth. It includes leadership, academic, and social opportunities that will allow your child to explore their potential and help them to overcome and master areas that may feel more challenging at first, transforming children into confident, inquisitive, and self-motivated learners.

Curriculum Overview

The English National Curriculum is a structured programme of study, that outlines clear learning objectives for each Primary year group. Our curriculum is enhanced and enriched to include the teaching of Arabic and Arabic Studies (to appropriate children) and a broader curriculum that extends beyond the classroom.
In Key Stage 1, which is Years 1 and 2, the teaching approach is a little more formal than in our Early Years programme, with an emphasis on developing sound Literacy and Numeracy skills. We introduce students to Science and Humanities subjects and give them plenty of opportunities to develop their social and emotional needs further.
In Key Stage 2, which is Years 3 to 6, the teaching timetable is more structured with additional specialist subject lessons including Computer Science and Modern Foreign Languages. Students are encouraged to become more independent learners and creative thinkers in preparation for their Senior School education.
In both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, we acknowledge that children will join the school at different stages in their learning and acquisition of skills and knowledge. Those children who require additional support to catch up with their peers will receive that both in the classroom, through differentiated work, and through our supporting academic staff. Students who demonstrate talents and skills in particular curriculum areas will be given opportunities to extend and maximise these.

Strong Pastoral Support:

At the core of our strong academic foundations lays strong pastoral support. We know that Students who feel safe, happy, and supported will excel in their education. The strong pastoral and academic support provided by our experienced teaching staff is the foundation upon which good learning will take place. The safety, security, and happiness of your child is always our priority.

Our Relationship with Parents:

At The Webber Independent School, we take our role as educators of your child both seriously and professionally and we recognise the enormous responsibility and trust that our parents have given us. As such, we are committed to keeping you informed and updated on all issues or concerns regarding your child.
The education of your child is a partnership between you as parents, and us as their teachers. We value the relationship we have with you, aiming to actively involve you as part of the Webber Family.
Your child’s Form Teacher is your daily contact person, who is fully committed to keeping you informed of your child’s work and progress at school and is always ready to answer any questions that you may have.

The Teaching Staff

All our academic staff within the Prep School are committed to ensuring that your child is happy, safe, confident, and achieves their best.
The Prep School staff work collaboratively and closely together. We share best practice between us, ensuring that we utilise the skills, abilities, and experiences within the staff team to the benefit of your child.

Admissions Visits:

If you would like to find out more about our Prep School, please get in touch. Parents will be offered a guided tour and an opportunity to meet with and talk to our students, staff and our Head of Prep School.

October Open Day

Undoubtedly, there is nothing quite like a first-hand experience at The Webber. Our school is a hive of activity which we would love for you to experience.

Book your visit to our Open Day October 12th 2024