Two reception children enjoying a book in the library

Welcome to Reception

Following on from the excellent Webber Nursery, Little Learners is our ‘Getting Your Little One Ready For Big School’ Transition Term Programme.

Reception at The Webber Independent School is an exciting time and the next step of your child’s Learning Journey to Success and we are determined to make their first experience of `Big School` a happy and positive one.

We encourage our Reception children to develop a curiosity that will inspire them to continue their learning outside of the classroom. No day will be the same for our intrepid explorers, with our well-equipped classrooms and outdoor play areas as well as opportunities to discover local nature areas.

The Reception classroom is a constant hive of activity, one day it may be a bustling Science Lab, the next a Shop or a Library, or even a Space Centre preparing for their next launch!

Alongside all the fun and laughter, we follow the Early Years and Foundation Stage curriculum with a structured academic programme for literacy – including phonics, reading, and writing – and mathematical development. We then enhance our educational offering by incorporating Modern Foreign Languages, Art, Music, IT, Yoga, and many other subjects taught by our degree-qualified, subject specialist teachers.

We place huge emphasis and value on parent, and teacher collaboration and encourage our Webber Families to be an active part of their child’s learning journey! With regular reporting, parent-teacher conferences, and communication you will be kept up to date with how your child is progressing on their learning journey, their strengths and areas for development as well as their achievements and successes.

We host several family events throughout the year including Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea and Father’s Day Breakfast. The Reception children put on a fabulous nativity play and perform at the Harvest Festival and end-of-year Awards Ceremonies. Children also enjoy several exciting trips throughout the academic year and take part in the Whole School events including International Number Day, World Book Day, Sports Days, whole school choiring events, and many, many more.

Reception at The Webber Independent School opens a world of opportunities for our students and we can’t wait to welcome you!