Two reception children enjoying a book in the library

Achieving Excellent Results Year on Year

Posted: 22nd August 2024

The Webber Independent School, celebrates for the eleventh year running as its students continue to achieve significantly above expectation with high GCSE results. Since 2011, they have achieved significantly above the national average, with almost 50% of all exam results being the top grades of 7 -9. This year, 97% of their Year 11 students achieved Grades 4 – 9, with many of them achieving excellent Value-Added results of at least 1 grade higher than predicted. Our best value-added results as a cohort since 2016!

Students at The Webber are more than just their results however, as they secure their first choice places in some of the best post 16 destinations across the county, enriched with the ‘Webber Edge’ students embrace the challenges the modern world.

Headmistress Hilary Marsden said, ‘Webber students are the future game changers, and we are proud of all our students, their families, and our fantastic teachers who have worked exceptionally well in partnership as a Webber Family, preparing our young people to be the tomorrow makers they are.’

See our historical pass rates here


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