Two reception children enjoying a book in the library


Posted: 22nd July 2022


We are delighted to finally be able to share with you the fantastic news that The Webber Nursery received a GOOD grade in all areas in our recent Ofsted report.

This is a lovely reflection of all the hard work the team have put in over the last 2 years since we opened in February 2020. Although we have had lots of challenges along the way the team have worked tirelessly to ensure our children have received high-quality consistent care as our priority.

Here are a few highlights from the report.

  • “Children feel safe and secure in the Nursery. They have strong bonds with their key person from the outset and staff recognise children’s needs promptly, such as for comfort, milk or a nap”
  • “Staff use the resources available to them well to support the curriculum”
  • “Staff place importance on developing children’s independence skills, such as in relation to personal hygiene and mealtime routines”
  • “Leaders place great importance on preparing children for their transition to School”

As with any evaluation of practice, there are always areas where we can do ‘even better’, we had 2 key areas identified please find these below with action points of how we intend to develop these.

  • Support staff to help deliver the correct knowledge to children for their future learning, with particular relation to the teaching of letter sounds.

We will be ensuring phonics training is ongoing for all new and existing staff to strengthen our knowledge and understanding of phonics and pure sounds to enable us to strengthen the children’s phonics knowledge and this will then become part of the induction process for all new staff joining the team. Staff will be shadowing in the Reception Class and working with the Pre-Prep Team to consolidate best practices and share resources and further expertise.

  • Strengthen the organisation of group and routine times to ensure that staff’s expectations are suitable for children’s age and stage of development and help children to understand what is expected of them.

Although we will continue to have high expectations regarding certain parts of the day such as meal times and tidy-up times we will ensure that staff explain these to the children in an appropriate manner and will discuss ways to improve these times through, observations and professional discussions and staff meetings.

We invite you to read the full report which can be found at the link below

Congratulating to our wonderful Nursery team on a lovely report!

Categories: News
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