Two reception children enjoying a book in the library


Posted: 22nd July 2022

red nose day

The Webber Independent have had another fantastic year for fundraising! With the support of our Webber Families, we have raised much needed funds for both local and global charities!

In total our generous Webber Family have raised an amazing £6,564.82 for charities this academic year!

Jeans for Jeans: £435.00

On Friday 17th September we invited all our students and staff to wear their jeans to school to raise money for Jeans for Genes. Your donations will make a big difference to the lives of children and families living with genetic disorders.

Macmillan Coffee Morning: £809.25

Macmillan help support families affected by cancer, providing specialist health care, information and financial support to those who need it most and your donations make the world of difference!
Thank you to those that baked and those that brought, thank you to FOWIS who helped the morning run smoothly, thank you to our Senior Pupils who helped serve the younger children their cakes and thank you to each and everyone of you for your donations!

Poppy Appeal: £408.27

As part of our Poppy Appeal students were encouraged to make a donation and wear their Poppies with pride! The Royal British Legion celebrated its’ 100-year anniversary in 2021, our students discussed the work of the British Legion and how many families and veterans they have supported throughout this time.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Bake Sale: £236.50

Thank you to all those students who supported our Duke of Edinburgh’s Award group by purchasing cakes and thank you to parents who supplied the money!
The quality and amount of goodies was amazing and it enabled us to raise £236.50 all of which will go towards sending the boxes of educational supplies, sports equipment and school uniforms to the schools in Malawi that we support.

Think Pink: £428.95

October was Breast Cancer Awareness month, to help raise money for the charity, Breast Cancer Now, we invited our student and staff to ‘Wear it Pink’!
It was wonderful to see everyone get involved with pink clothes, accessories, socks and even hair!

Children in Need : £755.00

On Friday 12th November we had a fantastic day of fundraising for Children In Need.
Everyone got involved from our Littlest Learners in the Nursery to our older pupils in the Senior School. Even Mrs Marsden donned her Pudsey onesie!
Pupils enjoyed a non-uniform day with many wearing Pudsey Spots and bright colours!
Our Nursery and Junior School Children also had a teddy bears picnic, with their favourite cuddly friends!

Christmas Carol Concert (British Heart Foundation): £157

On Tuesday 7th December our Junior School Children headed to The Centre MK to sing Christmas Carols and raise money for The Mayor’s Charity, The British Heart Foundation. Thank you to all the lovely families who came to show your support and to all the kind members of the public who took the time to listen to the children sing and donate to our very worthy charity!

Christmas Jumper Day (Save the Children): £502.50

On Friday 10th December we invited all pupils and staff to wear their most festive jumpers to raise money for Save The Children. The money raised will help save children’s lives around the world, from Syria to Liberia, Brazil to Bangladesh.

NSPCC Number Day: £491.73

On Friday 4th February we celebrated NSPCC Number Day which serves to celebrate the importance of maths as well as the importance of treating and raising children correctly. This year we also took part in Dress up for Digits and had some wonderful number themed outfits from both pupils and staff!

Comic Relief: Red Nose Day: £1,047.65

On Friday 18th March we took part in Red Nose Day! We took part in a Funny Friday joke competition, non-uniform day and form quizzes, which the students and staff have thoroughly enjoyed.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Bake Sale: £147.27

Our second Duke of Edinburgh Awards Bake Sale of the year saw us raise an amazing £147.27!

The money raised will go towards sending the boxes of educational supplies, sports equipment and school uniforms to the schools in Malawi that we support.

Ukraine Appeal: £769.78

On Friday 20th May we held a Non-Uniform Day which saw students and staff dress in blue and yellow in support of Ukraine. The money raised has been donated to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal and will help those affected get access to life saving resources such as: food, water, first aid, medicines, warm clothes and shelter.

Hand On Heart: £758.69

As part of our Sport Day this year we were privileged to have a fundraising stand from the Hand On Heart charity, we also held a Non-Uniform Day on the last day of term to raise as much as we could for this very worthy charity! The money raised for the Hand On Heart Charity will provide backpacks full of school essentials to children in need in the local area!

Categories: Blogs Events
Senior School Information Evening

Monday 24th February, 5pm

Discover the Webber Edge. Book your place here!

Senior science students in the lab