Two reception children enjoying a book in the library


Posted: 22nd July 2022

On Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th June we welcomed our extended Webber Families to join us and cheer on our Pupils at Sport Day!

Tuesday kicked off with our Nursery sporting events, after some initial nerves the youngest members of The Webber Family got stuck right in and enjoyed taking part in running and jumping races as well as some throwing activities! Mums and Dads were on hand to cheer them along and our Year 10 students lent a helping hand and enjoyed interacting with the youngest members of Webber.

The Junior Sports Day followed and what an exciting day it was! The field events were first including football throwing, rocket launching and the beanbag toss! We had some fantastic performances, and everyone tried their absolute best!

The widely anticipated track events followed and our Junior Pupils sporting skills were put to the test with an obstacle course made up of a balance beam, crawl net and sprint finish! This got particularly competitive with Oak and Cedar keen to claim as many House Points as they possibly could!

The running races finished the day off with lots of school records being broken!

Wednesday saw our Senior Pupils compete in their Sports Day with even more School records being broken!

Their day started with the field events including javelin, shot put, triple jump and long jump, with their track events tacking place in the afternoon.

Our Senior pupils put in some very impressive performances throughout the entire day with Maddie (Year 10) storming the cross-country events and Theo (Year 10) jumping a huge 5.14 meters in the long jump!

It was a very warm few days, and our athletes did us proud with their stellar performances. The points were tallied, and the winners revealed!

The winning House for Sports Day 2022 was ……………. Oak!

Thank you to Mrs Willis and Mr Knapper for all their hard work organising and running such a fantastic day and to all our Webber Families for coming along to support our Pupils!

Make sure you check out our Facebook page for lots of pictures and videos from across the 2 days!

Categories: Whole School
Stay & Play

Nursery child smiling at parent

Join us for a wonderful Autumnal Stay & Play session at The Webber Nursery

Book your visit for 25, October, 9.30-10.30 am